
◆トヨタウェイ・14の原則(The 14 Toyota Way Principles)




本稿のコンテンツは、管理人が”TOYOTA HOUSE” について記述しようと考える基になった、Liker氏の ”Toyota Way” に示されている、トヨタが企業理念の根っ子に持つ(と管理人は思っているのですが)、14の原則について記述します。

“トヨタウェイ”(Jeffrey K. Liker2004)に示される“the 14 Toyota Way Principles  … P




Section I : Long-Term Philosophy (長期的な考え方)

Section II : The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results (正しいプロセスが正しい結果を生む)

Section III : Add Value to the Organization by Developing Your People and Partners

Section IV: Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Organizational Learning


図1 トヨタウェイの4Pモデル   Toyota Way

ちなみに、Linker氏によれば、Lean system は、”Process” の段階で止まっているとしています。これは管理人も、Lean system の書籍を読んで、同じように感じました。


2.Section I: Long-Term Philosophy


Principle 1. Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals.


3.Section II : The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results


Principle 2. Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.

Principle 3. Use pull systems to avoid overproduction.

Principle 4. Level out the workload (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare.)

Principle 5. Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time.

Principle 6. Standardized tasks are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment.

Principle 7. Use visual control so no problems are hidden.

Principle 8. Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.


4.Section III: Add Value to the Organization by Developing Your People and Partners


Principle 9. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others.

Principle 10. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company‘s philosophy.

Principle 11. Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve.


5.Section IV: Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Organizational Learning


Principle 12. Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (genchi genbutsu).

Principle 13. Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly (nemawashi).

Principle 14. Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen).




Toyota Way


図1 トヨタウェイの4Pモデル   Toyota Way


